Relationship is a connection of the heart. It is the connection of hearts that inspires the conneciton of minds to…
The time is NOW. TODAY is the day to hear God’s voice. When He speaks life happens! It begins within…
When we become more concerned about not offending people than we do about not offending God, something is wrong in…
Our relationship with God is always NOW, thus our relationship with Him is always NEW. He helps us. His mercy…
A family is made known by its fruit, but the testimony of the fruit is found in the life of…
God changes nations by changing the hearts of people. The highest place in the earth is the belief that lives…
When we look to God in Christ, God determines the values of our hearts. It is the values of God…
In a multigenerational destiny the ceiling of the past is in the floor of the present and the present is…
Be a community of God-focused, Christ-centered, Life-giving people. The world needs the diversity of Christ to be transformed for His…
Life produces the fruit of life. Where there is life someone else can eat, there must be life? Right is…